Adaptive website version

For several years, the search engines have been paying active attention to presenting adaptive website version.

What is the adaptive website version?

The adaptive website version is the same website changing the appearance depending on the device it is viewed on. This website is easy to view on smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. Depending on the device on which the website is loaded, adjustment is provided. As a rule, the the website settings adapt to the screen width. Moreover, in the smartphone vertical and horizontal position the website can look different. And, of course, the website appearance when viewed on the computer is different from the webste appearence on the smartphone. At the same time, the overall website design remains the same - colors, fonts, style, special design elements . The blocks arrangement and their width change. Very often, the website menu cuts down to a “burger” - an icon, after clicking on which the menu loads.

At first, when the difference in gadget types was not technically well defined, separate mobilewebsite versions were developed. In fact it is a separate site, usually located on a subdomain, consisting of a simplified design and a short data from the main website version. Now creating mobile versions does not make sense for most websites. A quality website should feature an adaptive version (which is often named as mobile).

When you look at the average website traffic statistics, you will see nearly 50 percent of visitors browsing the website on mobile gadjets - smartphones or tablets. Thus, the adaptive website version development is necessary not only from the point of view of the favorable attitude of search engines, but also significant for the usability necessary for potential buyers of your goods or consumers of the services offered by your website.

Mandatory presence of the adaptive website version

For several years, the adaptive website version functions as an integral part of any of the websites we build up. Even the most inexpensive tariff features presenting "mobile" version, so you do not have to order it additionally. When indexing the website, search engines immediately find the availability of versions for different gadjets, which attaches the website priority over simpler counterparts. And also starting from the first visitors, you can be sure that even if they browse the website on the smartphone, they can get all the data they need in the most readable format.