+34 642643184
Address: Port de Sagunt, Valencia, 46520

Creating the website html-code

One of the important steps of the website creation from scratch is the development of the code for the main website pages. This service is provided by a specialist called an html-coder or front end developer. Indeed, the code development includes not only html, but also some other tools, such as css and jquery. But this is technical information, we do not think that it will be of interest to our readers. If we consider the code development as part of the process of the website creation from scratch, then it makes sense to talk about the key points.

Code development for basic pages

Why "basic"? What about the rest? The fact is that the website consists of a set of pages, some of which are identical in structure (arrangement of elements) and differ only in information. Our customers can replace the information by themselves using the administrative system, so the code of different pages is prepared. Then the code is integrated into the administrative system, and when filling out the website, you can choose which of the codes to use a base for a new page. It sounds complicated, though it’s actually pretty simple. For easy system understanding each different page code is called a template. And with a single field, the website owner can easily pick out the the most liked template.

The cost of developing websites with high-quality code

5-8 days
«Business Pro»
18 days
1 800€
30 days
«Fast online store»
5 days
«Online store»
1 450€
30 days

The code quality

The code and the way it was made has a huge impact on the website operation. The code quality directly incfluences on:
  • the website appearance;
  • the website loading speed;
  • the website usability when working from different devices (computers, mobiles, tablets);
  • the reaction to the website search engines.

The webite appearence

The more complex the website design is, the bigger and more complex the code will be. So, for example, the websites rendered by a designer from scratch, without using ready-made ideas of different website sections, as a rule, take more time to develop, because all the designer’s ideas need to be turned into reality correctly. Even the smallest design element can last an hour of the coder work due to the location features, for example.

Even if the website design consists of fairly standard (beautiful, pleasant, and yet standard) solutions, it is of great deal to implement them correctly - keep in mind all the indents, the fonts sameness, implement various effects (drop-down menu, slide change, sliding design parts, etc. - this is the code, errors in which will lead to the entire website failure). The coder`s experience, as well as his ability to see and properly transfer all the design details into the code, will directly have impact on the appearance. Any, initially splendid design, is very easy to spoil with unprofessional code.

Website loading speed

In addition to appearance, it is also of great importance to provide quick website loads. The website loading speed depends on several parameters, one of the key ones is the code quality. Often, template websites, or the websites based on streaming CMS, feature a slow download speed. This happens due to a huge amount of trash in the code. Extra code parts, which are absolutely unneeded for the concrete website but useful for hundreds of others (the website is a template, the solution is universal), slow down the loading. Moreover, the ill-conceived and inconsistent code also causes low speed.

There is a range of standards allowing the websites to load faster when complied. In case the standards are not complied with, the website will visually operate fine, but not on all devices, and this can affect the speed too.

The website usability

Here we mean the website adaptability. Old websites were made to be used on the computers only. Even at that time it was important to take into account the website appearence on differently-sized monitors. And even more so now - a high-quality website should meet smartphones and tablet settings, and take into account the horizontal and vertical positions. The website code also works for this. If the coder does not ensure some format, the website will be displayed somewhere with errors.

The search engine reaction to the website

Search engines perfectly recognize the website code qyality - they come from compliance with standards, loading speed, absenсe of the templates, the code clutter and other components. The more unique, sophisticated and better the code is, the better the website position on the search engines will be. Of course, the positions line up on the basis of many parameters, and the code is not the only one, but bad code can cut down nice website positions (in terms of content, for example).

Highly experienced coders work on the website creation in our web-studio, our staff has not changed for long time. Our portfolio contains work examples created at different times. According to them, you can see the website building evolution as a whole. From old tabular websites to up-to-date adaptive ones. We will be glad to develop the website for your business. Feel free to contact us and we will answer any questions about your new website.

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Examples of our websites

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Web studio ElenaGray
Port de Sagunt, Valencia, 46520,
Work hours: mo-fri 10:00-18:00
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