Personal liability to each customer

Among the wide variety of web-studios and website creation offers, it is challenging to choose something eligible. Some studios offer too low prices, the second - additional service packages, the third - something else. But in almost every more or less respectable web-studio you will reveal a well-functioning sales department, whose managers are often financially interested in attracting customers and concluding a contract. But what’s next?

It often happens that after the contract is concluded, the sales manager brings the customer in contact with the project manager. If the sales manager managed to promise something to the customer at the step of the contract conclusion, then there is a chance for the project manager to be unfamiliar with these promises, unless, of course, they are documented.

A project manager, as a rule, is not a technical specialist and does not understand all the website creation details. This person outsources the task formulated by the customer to the final executor as he understood it. At the same time, communication with the performer is not available for the client in principle. In some studios, communication with the project manager is also unavailable to the customer, he/she can only text his/her wishes in his/her personal account received after the contract had been concluded.

This is an approximate work scheme for a large web-studio and, as a rule, low prices. We mean: the customer of this kind of studio plays a lottery, the essence of which comes to simple questions - whether the project manager is as liveable as the sales manager is, and whether the final executor is as qualified as the executors who created projects from the web-studio portfolio liked by the customer.

What is our web studio feature?

First of all, we don’t carry a sales department. All the issues are discussed personally with the studio director, then the contract is concluded . After that all the issues are also discussed personally with the studio director. Thus, everything promised to the customer before the work starts, is executed not only because texted in the contract, but also because the same person is liable for the promise and control over the execution.

The second point that I would like to highlight is that the director of the ElenaGray web studio features a higher technical education gained at one of the best universities and extensive personal experience in website creation from scratch. We mean: each work step can be evaluated objectively in terms of complexity and labor costs.

Thirdly, the ElenaGray web studio features a small number of qualified specialists who have been successfully working here for years. Thus, you can see the works by these people in the portfolio of the studio.

Fourth, we do not get engaged in all projects. If we cannot implement the project for some reason , or can complete it only partially , the customer will always be informed about this in the first minutes of the discussion. In case it turns out during the discussion that dealing with our studio is not profitable for the customer (even if the customer does not understand this), this information will always be announced. We work on the basis of maximum honesty and openness and never sell what the customer does not need indeed. But when we start working, then we will execute everything promised with high quality and on time. For this, I, ElenaGray studio director, bear personal responsibility to each of our customers.

I will be glad to answer any of your questions regarding the website creation, promotion and any work steps in these fields.