+34 642643184
Address: Port de Sagunt, Valencia, 46520

Website creation from scratch

Indeed, "website creation from scratch" is a pretty broad concept. Nowadays there is a great deal of proposals for website creation from scratch, and when you get below the surface, all of them differ in options included. The website creation from scratch itself came into life a long time ago, when you could separately order a design from a designer, then pick up a coder, and so on. It can be done even now, there are many freelance websites, where you can find individual dedicated experts, however, an experienced web developer should coordinate their work in order to develop the website of high quality. As a result, the concept of a "website creation from scratch" appeared, and now it is used wherever possible, and even where it is impossible.

Proper "website creation from scratch"

When saying about real ordering website creation from scratch, pick up a full set of works on the website development, which includes:
And all these actions should be coordinated by a highly-qualified and experienced specialist (unfortunately, often they are managers with no idea what the code looks like, and fortunately, they do not labor for our web studio).

When putting the development process in a nutshell, we believe the Interpure marketer finds out all the customer wishes, reads up on the subject, researches competitors (both those named by the customer and those considered influential in this field by Google) and gives out a series of recommendations on the website development. The recommendations, which are important right up for the website, the customer and the subject.

Then the designing begins. There are several options here - from developing a prototype and detailed drawing to using a finished design. All the options feature their pros and cons, but we will not highlight the details within this article.

After the design is ready, the HTML-coder gets to work. All the websites are based on html-code. In fact, this has not been pure html for a very long time, but a bunch of html, css, jquery and other programming languages from time to time. The code must be adaptive by all means (so that the future website behaves differently on different devices, from smartphones to desktop computers), must comply with certain technical standards, must be pure (with no unnecessary code unrelated) etc. Generally, this step and the implementation quality are all-in-all.

Further, the code created by the HTML-coder forms the framework of the website itself. The code is integrated into the website administration system. The engine itself is developed in advance. It can be either a streaming administration system, like far-famed WordPress, Joomla and others, or cms developed by some web studio. Many options are also possible here, read more info about that in our article "Professional free CMS by ElenaGray".

Texting happens in parallel with the work described above. For this, there are specialists called copywriters. Based on the task set by the marketer at the beginning of the work, as well as on the basis of the customer’s wishes and data provided by the customer, the copywriter texts for the website so that search engines can “read” it to the fullest.

Then the texts are added to the website, which is essentially ready to use. Leading, in fact, to meeting an initial target - the website creation from scratch.

You can also benefit from the photographer work. Sometimes the company has its own photos, sometimes they are even of good quality, so good that they can be used in the website design. More often these are just amateur photos that can be posted in the "Our works" section, for example. So it will play a positive role - the website visitors will see that it is not a fake company with photobank photos, but a real enterprise offering certain goods or services. However, in some cases, it makes sense to pick up a professional photographer, then the website will win in appearance and presentation by all means.

Other "website creations from scratch"

What does "other" mean? It means different from including the sequence of actions mentioned above.

As we wrote at the beginning - a big deal of proposals for website creation exists. Even in our section with tariffs, you can easily face offers at different prices. All of them refer to the category "website creation from scratch", but have different prices. In most cases, customers are not ready to spend money on the work of a marketer, photographer, designer or copywriter. In case it is challenging to perform a part of the work like code development and administrative system assembly within the customer’s company, then it is easier to find a full-time marketer, or, for example, a photographer. It often happens that small business owners independently perform various work necessary for the company functioning. This includes both having a clear idea of what the website should contain and what should not, and exact knowledge of what the structure, the arrangement of elements and other options should be. Sometimes this view is correct, sometimes it is too much wrong, and yet, companies are not ready to pay for the professional Internet-marketer service, they are interested in the technical part only. Also, there are companies developing the website design independently. And texting is especially not uncommon.

The prices for creating websites from scratch

5-8 days
«Business Pro»
18 days
1 800€
30 days
«Fast online store»
5 days
«Online store»
1 450€
30 days
And then the customers can choose the tariff including only most needed options. For example, our "Business" tariff features the website creation from scratch at a price of 380€ (at the time of this texting), and a "Comfort" tariff features the website creation from scratch at a price of 1 800€. The tariffs differ quite widely: the "Business" involves the website creation based on a ready-made design and ready-made code, without the marketer (although all important general principles are already included in the websites), the designer and the copywriter participation, and the "Comfort" tariff, in turn, features all the specialized services.

Even a simple concept like "website creation from scratch" allows you to talk for a long time about numerous website creation nuances. We hope: this article has helped you understand this subject a little better. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them, and we will be happy to answer in detail.

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Web studio ElenaGray
Port de Sagunt, Valencia, 46520,
Work hours: mo-fri 10:00-18:00
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